AZFLSE Newsletter September 30, 2008 - Volume 1, No.11

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September 30, 2008 - Volume 1, No.11
Legal Community
The Foundation Honors Past Justice Advocate Diane Lindstrom McClure
Diane Lindstrom McClure Diane, 66, Phoenix attorney, passed away Sept. 2, 2008, after an extremely courageous battle against cancer. Diane fulfilled a lifelong dream to become a lawyer, graduating from ASU Law School and passing the Arizona Bar Exam in 1981.
New Space for Southern Arizona Legal Aid
After 16 years, Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc., better known as SALA, has moved its main office and administrative center, including the Volunteer Lawyers Program.
Court Rule Change Supports Legal Aid Services
The AZ Supreme Court adopted a proposed rule change where 15% of pro hac vice fees will assist legal aid services. The Foundation Board extends great appreciation to Dan McAuliffe, Joe Kanefield, the State Bar Legal Service Committee and the State Bar Board of Governors and Staff, along, most certainly, with our Arizona Supreme Court Justices for this support to providing access to justice for all Arizonans.
Lack of Funding Causes Community Legal Services Lay Offs
Budget cuts both federally and locally combined with a fall in IOLTA revenue has caused Community Legal Services (CLS) to be in dire need of funds to maintain services.
News at the Foundation
Elder Legal Help Hotline Closes Due to Budget Cuts
Anthony Young, Executive Director of Southern Arizona Legal Aid, Inc. (SALA) announced last week that SALA is preparing to close its Arizona Elder Law Hotline as of October 1st this year.
The Arizona Elder Hotline is a free service provided by Southern Arizona Legal Aid. The hotline, established in 1992, helps people 60 years and older with civil cases including social security, divorce, and housing issues. Currently the hotline handles more than 3,000 cases per year through the support of two part time employees.
Attorneys Need to Take Extra Care in Watching Client Trust Accounts
With the precarious economy and the number of financial institutions either failing (such as IndyMac Bank) or being taken over by other institutions (such as Washington Mutual), lawyers who have client trust accounts should be thinking about the safety of those accounts.
Your Own Super-Power By Stacy Rupprecht Butler (Volunteer Lawyer Program)
Iron Man, Batman, Hancock. Think you have nothing in common with the caped crusaders storming the movie theaters this summer? Think again. As an attorney, you have a special power that you share with only a few: the power to use your skill and talent to make a difference in the lives of impoverished Arizonans who have nowhere to turn for legal assistance. -
View the brochure to learn how to volunteer

Phoenix Hosts Mock Trial Nationals in 2011
Phoenix was chosen by the National High School Mock Trial Committee to be the location of the 2011 Mock Trial Championship. The Foundation has sponsored the Arizona High School Mock Trial Program for the past 25 years. For the past 22 years, beginning in 1985, Arizona’s state champion team has represented Arizona at the National High School Mock Trial Championships. University High School from Tucson represented Arizona at this year’s National Championship-the 24th National Championship in which Arizona has participated.
ASPC-Lewis Inmates Raising Funds for “Kids Voting” Program
Inmates at the Arizona State Prison Complex-Lewis no longer have voting rights, but they are still raising funds to help Arizona kids understand that voting is a right you want to use and not lose! The inmates and staff of ASPC-Lewis discovered that a mere $15 donation to Kids Voting Arizona ensured a classroom could receive all the materials needed to participate in Kids Voting Election - at no cost to the school. The prison inmates decided to initiate a fundraising program to see how many classrooms they could help support.
Links to main Articles
- Elder Legal Help Hotline Closes Due to Budget Cuts
- (Volunteer Lawyer Program) - Your Own Super-Power By Stacy Rupprecht Butler
- Phoenix Hosts Mock Trial Nationals in 2011
- ASPC-Lewis Inmates Raising Funds for “Kids Voting” Program
- Attorneys Need to Take Extra Care in Watching Client Trust Accounts
- The Foundation Honors Past Justice Advocate Diane Lindstrom McClure
- New Space for Southern Arizona Legal Aid
- Court Rule Change Supports Legal Aid Services
- Lack of Funding Causes Community Legal Services Lay Offs
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