AZFLSE Newsletter May 30, 2005 - Volume 1, No.1

Legal Community
Walter E. Craig Distinguished Services
Dan McAuliffe
Snell & Wilmer
Manifesting adherence to the highest principles and traditions of the legal profession and service to the public in the community in which he lives.
William E. Morris Pro Bono Services
Scott Gan
Mesch Clark & Rothschild PC
Recognizing extraordinary contributions in making legal services available to persons who otherwise could not afford them and thereby focuses public awareness on the substantial contributions Arizona Attorneys make to the community.
Foundation For Justice
Scott Bales
Lewis & Roca
Created in 2005, by the Foundation, because those who have devoted expertise and time to changing the justice system to promote access and opportunity for those most vulnerable deserve to be recognized and should be emulated.
Law Related Education Attorney Award
Dewain Fox
Fennemore Craig
Danelle Liwski
Pima County Juvenile Court
Recognizing exceptional contributions of Arizona attorneys or law firms in furthering education and understanding of the role of the law in our democratic society. This award focuses public awareness on the contributions that attorneys provide to the community. This year two attorneys are co-awardees for their work with the "Mock Trial" Program.
News at the Foundation
Arizona Civics Students Achieve National Recognition
Arizona Superintendent Tom Horne, during his remarks made at his swearing in ceremony in January of 2003, expressed concern that under current history standards, Arizona students were not learning about the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence and stressed the need for these subjects to be taught to our youth so they understand the ideas upon which this country was founded. His concerns relate directly to the work of the Foundation's Law Related Education Programs.This Spring of 2005 the Foundation and the Arizona Schools have reason to be proud: Arizona's schools are not only learning about the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution- they are gaining national recognition for their knowledge. Dobson High School took 4th place, among 51 top schools from other states and the District of Columbia, in the national "We the People" tournament held in Washington DC. "We the People" is a classroom-based program that helps students develop critical thinking skills while learning about their rights and responsibilities under the Constitution. "We the People" encourages active learning in and out of the classroom about contemporary constitutional issues, the history of democratic philosophy and the history surrounding the creation of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Trust Account Rule 44 Amendment Takes Effect June 1, 2005
Arizona Banks participating in the Interest on Lawyer Trust Accounts (IOLTA) program will be entering into annual agreements with the State Bar of Arizona and the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education. The amended Rule 44, approved January 2005 and in effect June 1st, allows for an increased partnership with the financial institutions, the Bar and Foundation. Annual agreements will assure that all parties involved are aware of the requirements and of rising issues of each other in implementing the Trust accounts.Currently there are fifty-eight (58) financial institutions participating in the IOLTA program with over 4,000 Trust accounts. The Foundation has updated its website for attorneys and banks to obtain the amended rule, learn about the banks and attorney responsibilities, and find out the impact the IOLTA dollars are having in Arizona
The Foundation at the State Bar Convention
On June 16, 2005 the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education will be hosting its own Law for Kids Camp for children in grades K-6, its yearly Foundation Luncheon, a reception in honor of Arizona’s Top Pro-Bono attorneys, and two special CLE seminars.Foundation for Justice
It is with excitement that the Foundation introduces a new award, "Foundation for Justice," and announces Scott Bales as the first recipient. The award is presented to someone who works to strengthen the foundation of the civil legal aid system in Arizona and to expand the delivery system to serve more of those in need. This award will be given at the evening reception, where we will wrap up this day of celebration with a reception also honoring Arizona's top pro bono attorneys, in recognition of their hard work, dedication, courage and selfless gifts of time and talent. This reception will be hosted at Westin, La Paloma from 5:30 to 8:00.More Special Thanks & Recognition
- FIRM: Snell & Wilmer, LLP
- BANK: First National Bank of Arizona
- SCHOOL: ASU School of Law
- STATE BAR COMMITTEE: Legal Services Committee
- PARTNERSHIP: Arizona Community Foundation
- STATE BAR STAFF: Nedra Brown
- LOCAL BUSINESS: Alliance Beverage
- Arizona Supreme Court Chief Justice Charles Jones
- Arizona Supreme Court Vice Chief Justice Ruth McGregor
- Arizona Supreme Court Justice Rebecca White Berch
- Arizona Supreme Court Justice Michael Ryan
- Arizona Supreme Court Justice Andrew Hurwitz
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