AZFLSE Newsletter December 06, 2006 - Volume 1, No.6

Legal Community
Law Related Education Award
renamed in 2006 In memory of Hon. Mark Santana’s dedication to justice, education, and service.
Mark Santana LRE Education Award 2006 Winners
Danielle Janitch
Osborn Maledon
Denise Quinterri
Roni Tropper
Community Legal Services
2006 John J. Ross Award for Excellence in Law-Related Education
John Nitka
Rich Curtin
Teacher at Palo Verde Middle School
2006 Law-Related Education Officer of the Year
Jeanette Brambila
2005-2006 Model School Safety Program Sites Awardees
Benson High School
Benson, AZ
Sepp Sprietsma, Juvenile Probation Officer Gary Douglas, School Resource Officer Denise Caraballo, Supervisor (Cochise County Juvenile Court) Bryan Bullington, School Administrator
Challenger Middle School Tucson, AZ
Melissa Larson, Juvenile Probation Officer Teri Franco, Supervisor (Pima County Juvenile Court) Wil Arias & Jud Jones, School Administrators
Desert Sands Middle School Phoenix, AZ
Greg Fuller, Juvenile Probation Officer John Halverson, Teacher Anthony Robles, Supervisor (Maricopa County Juvenile Court) Jim Paczosa, School Administrator
Jerome-Clarkdale Elementary School Clarkdale, AZ
Robert Church, School Resource Officer Jeff Scroggins, Teacher Chief Pat Haynie (Clarkdale Police Department) Kathleen Fleenor, School Administrator
News at the Foundation
Volunteer Lawyers Program Celebrates 25 Years of Service
2006 marks the 25th Anniversary of the Volunteer Lawyers Programs (VLP) in Arizona. During their 25-year history, the number of volunteer attorneys associated with the VLP programs has grown steadily, as have the services provided. In our 25th year, the VLP programs will work with more than 3,497 volunteer attorneys to provide services to an estimated 13,373 clients across the state – all of whom faced legal issues and who benefited from VLP counsel and the generosity of our volunteers.
Governor Janet Napolitano signed House Bill 2788, creating a nine-member state commission on civic education and civic engagement
Governor Janet Napolitano signed House Bill 2788, creating a nine-member state commission on civic education and civic engagement. United States Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor (Ret.) and Ariz. Chief Justice Ruth McGregor also attended the daylong event, "Strengthening Civic Mission of Arizona Schools Through Partnership" which brought together local, state and national leaders to discuss strengthening civic education in Arizona schools.
PHOENIX – Becky Fitch’s 8th grade class from Park View Middle School in Prescott Valley, AZ received a Superior Award in the Showcase, which took place during the National Conference for State Legislators (NCSL) in Nashville Tennessee.
Volunteer Opportunity Jan. 12! - Evaluate Student Work!
We The People: The Citizen & The Constitution – State Competition – January 12, 2007
This semester thousands of students from across the state have been learning about the US Constitution and Bill of Rights in the Foundation's We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution program. Students in grades 4 –12 participate in the program, and a special competition is held for the top classes in the state each January. At the Competition, each member of the class becomes an expert witness on one of the six units in the text and then testifies in small groups before a panel of volunteers in a simulated congressional hearing.
Click on the following link to contact the We the People Program Manager, Susan Nusall for more information on volunteering or bringing this program to your child's school.
Are You a Foundation Volunteer?
The Foundation depends on a large cast of volunteers to promote access to justice throughout Arizona. Over 500 people volunteered for the Foundation in 2006 sharing their time and expertise in roles ranging from service on a committee to spending the day evaluating student projects. The Foundation would like to say a big THANK YOU to all of our 2006 volunteers. If you have not had the chance to volunteer for the Foundation yet, we hope that you will join our distinguished list of volunteers in 2007! Meet the Foundation's volunteers...
The 4th Annual
The 4th annual “Night for Justice” fundraising event, held at the Bentley Projects in downtown Phoenix, attracted a crowd of more than 300 attorneys, judges, and Foundation supporters. Special guests in attendance were authors Clive and Dirk Cussler, Peter Baird, Gary Stuart, Jon Talton, Betty Webb; Honored Guest Vice-Chief Justice Rebecca White Berch of the Arizona Supreme Court; Phoenix City Councilman Greg Stanton; and past State Board of Governors President, Chas Wirken.
Join the Law College Association in this newly established tradition of athleticism (or its absence) and skill (or its substitute).
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