AZFLSE Newsletter December 05, 2009 - Volume 1, No.13

Legal Community
2009 Foundation Awards
Walter E. Craig recipient - William Jones, Jr.
William E. Morris recipient - Dean Christoffel
Mark Santana recipient - Judge Barbara Mundell
Foundation for Justice recipient - Michael Valder
4 Teachers named John J. Ross Awardees
Marc Crowley, Nona Hansen, Mark Goligoski, and Charlene Roll
LRE Officer of the Year - Melissa McCormick
News at the Foundation
This Holiday Season, Let Your Shopping Help the Foundation!
When you shop through, a percentage of your total sales goes to the Foundation. Just select the Foundation as your cause of choice and remember to go through Igive for all your holiday gifts.
Florence Immigration and Refugee Rights Project Wins National Award
John Jay College of Criminal Justice, located in New York City, recently named the Florence Project the recipient of the 2010 John Jay Justice Award for Community Leadership. The award usually is only given to an individual, but the committee was impressed with the “amazing work” being done by the Florence Project.
Bar Dues Opt Out Option helps Legal Aid
When filling out your bar due statement this winter, be sure your $50 goes to the Foundation. Funds raised through the “Opt Out” go directly to Arizona legal aid agencies. Last year’s recipients included Chrysalis Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence, Community Legal Services, Defenders of Children, DNA People’s Legal Services, Never Again Foundation, and Southern Arizona Legal Aid’s Tucson Family Advocacy Program. For more information on the Opt Out Program contact us at 602-340-7366
Top Arizona Schools to Compete in “We the People” District and State Competitions
Students across Arizona will show off their Constitutional wisdom this December and January! Over 400 students will participate in the annual District and State Competitions for the "We the People...the Citizen & the Constitution" program! District Competitions will take place Saturday, December 5, 2009 and the State Competition will take place Friday, January 8th, 2010 at Arizona State University West Campus.
Help your community with the potential of increasing your client base. Join the Modest Means Project, a new program created to assist clients who are ineligible for legal aid but cannot afford the expertise of an attorney at the standard rates. The Modest Means Project serves those individuals who are 250% or less of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
For the Person who has Everything - Give the Gift of Justice
If you're struggling to find a gift this season, why not donate to the Foundation or one of its grantees in a friend's name! The Foundation will send a lovely card to the recipient acknowledging your gift in their honor. Contact the Foundation at 602-340-7366 or donate online!
Get up to $400 Arizona Charitable Tax Credit While Supporting Legal Aid
Most of Arizona's legal aid organizations are also approved as Arizona Charitable Tax Credit organizations. Taxpayers who are filing married and jointly have a maximum credit of $400. Taxpayers filing as single and unmarried head of the household or filing married but on separate tax forms have a maximum credit of $200. The donation also qualifies for a Schedule A charitable contribution on your federal taxes. Your contribution must be received by December 31st.
For more information go to the Arizona Department of Revenue’s website.
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