AZFLSE Newsletter December 02, 2005 - Volume 1, No.3

Legal Community
Arizona Supreme Court Justice Ruth McGregor was in attendance as an honored guest, as well as other well-known Arizona legal figures.
Scott Turow
A few signed copies of Ordinary Heroes are still available. Call 480.947.2974 or e-mail
Thanks to All of Our Sponsors
In partnership with the Poisoned Pen bookstore, the Arizona Foundation for Legal Services & Education hosted well-known author Scott Turow, writer of Presumed Innocent, Burden of Proof and other legal thrillers. For more information about the best-selling author, visit
News at the Foundation
Arizona Law Students Raise the Bar for the Nation in Pro Bono Efforts
Recently, Deborah Rhode, renowned scholar, and public service supporter, published an article citing the minimal involvement in pro bono among her sample of 3,000 graduates of six law schools. Critical points report that only 1% of the sample received coverage of pro bono issues either in orientation or in courses on Professional Responsibility and that a mere 3% observed "visible faculty support or felt that their schools provided adequate clinical opportunities for public interest work." She also included the AALS survey results of law school administrators of pro bono programs, that only "one-quarter to one-third of their students" participates in pro bono activities.
Article written through works of K Royal and Martha Fenn
Are Our Kids Learning About Civics and the Law?
For more than 250 years, Americans have shared a vision of democracy in which all citizens understand, appreciate and engage actively in political life. However, today we find that civic engagement and participation is in decline. One promising way to reverse this trend is restoring the civic mission of our schools by strengthening instruction in civics, government and the law. The Foundation has assembled a group of individuals and organizations to work toward this end as the Arizona Civics Coalition. The first in a series of reports about the state of civic education in Arizona covers a survey taken by school district administrators about how civics is taught in Arizona. Read the full report…
Thousands Receive Free Legal Assistance
In the first nine months of 2005, over 25,514 people had received free legal assistance from ten of the Foundation's grantees. And, over 4,500 could not receive the assistance requested because there wasn't the legal staff or volunteers to provide the help...The need is great and the good these agencies are doing can not be overstated. As a direct result of the efforts by these grantees, the quality of life is better for all of Arizona:
Officer Robert Church, School Resource Officer for Clarkdale-Jerome School, is teaching the 7th grad
The students chose a topic (crime) and then found the Arizona statues that define the crime. In addition they researched what are the penalties for committee the crime and current issues related to the topic they had chosen...Important
Join the Law College Association in this newly established tradition of athleticism (or its absence) and skill (or its substitute)
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